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NGOs and Foundations

Our offerings are designed to meet the requirements of NGOs and foundations, serving those dedicated to meaningful causes and philanthropic endeavors. We recognize the unique challenges faced by this sector and are fully prepared to offer essential IT support for Non-profit organizations to enable our partners to effectively realize their missions.

Cost-effective and professional IT support.​


CloudConsole, as an IT company, is committed to providing cost-effective and professional IT support tailored specifically to the needs of NGOs and foundations. We understand the budget constraints often faced by these organizations while recognizing the crucial role that technology plays in their operations. Here are how our services can benefit NGOs and foundations:

  • Customized Solutions: We offer IT solutions that are customized to align with the specific requirements of NGOs and foundations. Our team takes the time to understand the unique challenges and goals of each organization, ensuring that the provided solutions are a perfect fit.
  • Cost Efficiency: We are dedicated to delivering IT support that maximizes cost efficiency. We know that every dollar spent by NGOs and foundations needs to be optimized, so our services are designed to provide the most value within budget constraints.
  • Scalability: NGOs and foundations often experience changing demands as they grow and evolve. Our IT solutions are scalable, allowing organizations to expand their technology infrastructure without unnecessary disruptions or excessive costs.
  • Reliable Infrastructure: CloudConsole offers a reliable IT infrastructure that supports the critical operations of NGOs and foundations. This reliability ensures that organizations can focus on their missions without worrying about technological disruptions.

Free email hosting for non-profit organizations with best data privacy

CloudConsole is dedicated to providing non-profit organizations (NGOs) and foundations with free email hosting solutions that prioritize the highest standards of data privacy. We understand the importance of secure communication and efficient collaboration for these organizations.

  • Comprehensive Security Measures: Our free email hosting service is equipped with robust security features to safeguard sensitive information. This includes encryption protocols, firewall protection, and intrusion detection systems, ensuring that communication remains confidential and protected from cyber threats.
  • GDPR and Data Compliance: We ensure that our email hosting service complies with data protection regulations such as GDPR. This means that NGOs and foundations can trust that their data is managed in accordance with the highest privacy standards.
  • End-to-End Encryption: All emails exchanged through our hosting service are encrypted from sender to recipient, ensuring that even if intercepted, the content remains unreadable to unauthorized individuals.
  • Multi-factor Authentication (MFA): We offer MFA as an additional layer of security. This prevents unauthorized access to email accounts, reducing the risk of data breaches.

Affordable managed antivirus


CloudConsole offers affordable managed antivirus solutions tailored specifically for non-profit organizations (NGOs) and foundations. We understand the budget limitations often faced by these organizations, and we recognize the critical importance of cybersecurity in their operations.

  • Cost-Effective Protection: Our managed antivirus solution is designed to provide robust protection against malware, viruses, and other cyber threats while being mindful of budget constraints commonly experienced by NGOs and foundations.
  • Real-Time Threat Detection: Our antivirus software operates in real-time, constantly monitoring for any suspicious activities or potential threats to the organization’s systems and data.
  • Customized Security Plans: We create tailored security plans that align with the specific needs and operations of each NGO or foundation. This ensures that the antivirus solution is optimized to address their unique challenges.
  • Automatic Updates: Our managed antivirus service includes automatic updates to the software’s threat definitions and security features. This helps ensure that the organization is always protected against the latest cyber threats.
  • Centralized Management: CloudConsole’s antivirus solution allows for centralized management, enabling IT administrators at NGOs and foundations to efficiently monitor and control the antivirus software across all devices and endpoints.

Hardware procurement for budget friendly IT equipment​​

CloudConsole, as an IT company, specializes in providing budget-friendly hardware procurement solutions tailored to the specific needs of non-profit organizations (NGOs) and foundations. We understand that these organizations often have limited financial resources and require cost-effective IT equipment to support their operations.

  • Affordable Options: We offer a range of budget-friendly IT equipment options, including computers, laptops, servers, networking devices, and more. Our procurement solutions are designed to provide quality hardware without putting a strain on the organization’s budget.
  • Vendor Relationships: CloudConsole has established relationships with various hardware vendors, allowing us to negotiate favorable pricing on behalf of NGOs and foundations. This helps organizations obtain the best value for their investment.
  • Needs Assessment: Our team works closely with NGOs and foundations to understand their specific hardware needs. We assess their requirements and recommend suitable equipment that aligns with their goals and budget.
  • Customized Solutions: We provide tailored hardware solutions that meet the unique needs of each organization. This ensures that the selected equipment is well-suited for their operations and helps them achieve their objectives.
  • Bulk Purchasing: CloudConsole leverages bulk purchasing options to further drive down costs for NGOs and foundations. This enables them to acquire multiple pieces of hardware at a discounted rate.
  • Warranty and Support: We ensure that the hardware procured comes with appropriate warranties and support agreements. This protects NGOs and foundations from unexpected repair or replacement costs.

Get in touch with us now for a personalized consultation!