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10 IT Problems of Small Businesses
January 17, 2019

Everyone knows that technology is advancing rapidly, but new IT problems are arising faster than most people are able to implement solutions. CloudConsole IT Services is a Managed Service Provider (MSP) that can help businesses of any size consolidate all IT solutions under one roof.
Let’s face it. Not every small business (or large business) has mastered the IT world. Below are the top ten IT problems for small businesses, all of which can be solved by partnering with a managed service provider.
- Expensive Repairs and Recovery Costs
Chances are that you don’t have a budget line for a $5,000 network repair. Networks can have a wide variety of things go wrong, so troubleshooting can be difficult and time-consuming. If this type of repair is needed, some businesses may be thrown into a state of panic.
CloudConsole IT Services’s Managed Services eliminates this debilitating possibility. We believe in prevention. By always staying current on maintenance and monitoring, businesses can rest assured that they will avoid major disasters.
- Slow Performance, Random Glitches, and Network Downtime
Small businesses rarely have the time or luxury to stay on top of upgrades. However, without keeping up with them, your computers will inevitably slow down, experience glitches, and in extreme conditions — crash!
The preventative maintenance and monitoring done by CloudConsole IT Services covers this, too. By catching these problems early, upgrades can be implemented so that these problems don’t escalate into expensive repairs.
- Cost of In-house IT Staff
The average salary for an IT Specialist is about $55,000 annually. That’s just ONE employee, not to mention health benefits, 401K, etc. The nice thing about having in-house IT staff, though, is having help right there when you need it. Another advantage is not having to distribute IT solution services among several different companies to ensure all of your needs are met.
CloudConsole IT Services understands these benefits and incorporates them into their managed services offerings. With its Hassle-free program, you will feel like you have your own knowledgeable and quick-responding employees whenever you need them.
- Extra Fees
If you have ever dealt with IT services, you know that you are charged for every little thing they do. There are hidden fees and small-print disclaimers for everything.
With managed services, you have the option to pay one (yes, you read that right… one) flat rate for everything. A program that is affordable with no surprise charges — this is how we do business.
- Delayed Problem Resolution
Speaking of extra fees, did you know that most IT companies charge you for their travel time to get to your office? In addition, if you need them on a night or weekend, add another charge on top of that. Most concerning, though, is that when you need a problem solved, you need it done quickly. Having an IT company on premises is nice, but what is the solution for when you hire outside of the company?
CloudConsole IT Services does remote monitoring so that we can access your network from our office. Most problems can be repaired immediately, but if there is ever a time we need to go to your office, we will not charge you for travel time or increase the price based on the time of day you need us.
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- Multi-line budgeting for IT
Businesses have come to expect the unexpected, but it doesn’t make the cost of unexpected problems any easier. IT emergencies are bound to happen when your IT is divided up among several providers.
This is one of the greatest advantages of having CloudConsole IT Services managed services. You can create a single line for your IT budget. Everything is handled through the all-encompassing program.
- Data Protection
With all of the data breaches present in today’s world, businesses everywhere are worried about possible attacks on their own information and networks. There is a legitimate fear that a business’s own information will get leaked or that all of its customers’ data will get leaked. Both of these have a significant and negative impact on the company.
CloudConsole IT Services promises to protect your data. We know that your electronic information is critical to the operation of your business and that customer security is your first priority.
- Viruses, Spyware, Malware, and Ransomware
Similar to data breaches, other attacks such as viruses, spyware, and malware can be extremely harmful to your computers. In addition, ransomware attacks will tell you or your employees that you must pay a fee to proceed. All of the above can cause you to lose operational time and money while trying to get the problem fixed. As much as we’d like to believe that all people are good at heart, hackers do not have good intentions.
As part of your managed services program, we will ensure that you do not deal with random pop-ups or spyware. We will also prevent and/or resolve any malicious attacks, such as ransomware or email phishing.
- Stress
If you are a business owner, you already have way too many things on your plate. It comes with the territory! That being said, IT maintenance and supervision can become lost in the daily hustle and bustle, which can lead to overwhelming problems down the line.
CloudConsole IT Services’s Managed Services = Peace of Mind.
When we say the program is comprehensive, we mean it. We have you covered.
Schedule your free consultation now!
- Lost Prepaid Time
Most likely you’ve experienced a time in which you acquired pre-paid services that went to waste because you never used them. Whether you forgot about them or they expired before you could use them, money was wasted. If you are like most small businesses, you count every penny and look to make every peso count.
Introducing: Roll Over Hours! If you opt for Pre-Paid time, the hours never expire, and they can never be taken away from you until you use them.
CloudConsole IT Services understands the challenges of IT for small businesses. We are truly here to help. Check out our Managed IT Services page to learn more. Have additional questions? Give us a call to chat with us about what we can do to help your business!